Courses Calendar


9th June 2016 12th June 2016

Four days

Join-Up is pivotal to your relationship with horses. This four-day clinic will offer a solid understanding of what Monty calls ‘Equus,’ the language of the horse. One will learn the body language necessary to achieve Join-Up with a horse, the trust-based foundation for all equine disciplines, as well as discover the importance of posture, breathing, spatial awareness and the power of intention in the presence of horses. The opportunity to gain the understanding of gestures and subtle movements that can be very significant in the relationship with the horse will be offered. One will also become more proficient with Monty’s Dually™ halter, learning Monty’s concepts through demonstrations, discussions, practical hands-on exercises and round pen work. Certified Instructors will demonstrate and teach these concepts with a variety of horses to illustrate the effectiveness of Monty’s work in this important foundation of non-violent training. This clinic teaches groundwork with horses and does not include any ridden work or exercises. The double long lining clinic usually takes place the two days following this clinic and is a great addition to the experience.


Key Learning Points:

  • Non-violent approach to working with the horse
  • The language of ‘Equus’
  • Building a trust-based partnership
  • How horses learn
  • Join-Up and Follow Up™
  • Dually halter work
  • Round pen work

All  horses and equipment supplied


Keeper's Cottage
Ranmore Common Road
Dorking, Surrey RH5 6AZ
United Kingdom

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